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Why Latte? Find out how the naming was created

Some customers and partners ask me: why Latte? To satisfy your curiosity, I will explain how the creation of naming of the agency, whose process can serve as a reference for any company.



Before we start a brainstorm Of the possible names, it was important to reflect on who I would like to be. Back in 2009, my conclusion was:

  • Being a flexible agency that can create different types of projects, of all styles. 
  • We will be the client's partner, not only collaborating with design but also with business vision.
  • We are young, energetic, thirsty for challenges.



Now is the time to analyze the competitors, in our case, the design agencies and advertising in Brazil, with a greater focus on São Paulo. I detected 3 very obvious name paths:

  • The super cool ones, with no direct link to design where some border on the nonsense;
  • Acronyms or proper names;
  • And the most generic or obvious names.



brainstorming process It's very free and spontaneous. As this is a very open area in name creation, the paths that emerged were: words linked directly to the design or agency work, words linked to essence or personality, adjectives, metaphors, onomatopoeia, neologisms… and so on!



Among dozens of options, I chose Latte. Latte means milk in Italian. It also means coffee with milk. Exploring their meanings:

  • Milk: nutritious, basic, neutral food.
  • Coffee: energy, strength, personality.

Refining the name concept: we are a multidisciplinary agency neutral, that together with the client’s “ingredients” (essence, positioning, products or services, etc.), we transform ourselves and generate any “recipe” (project): branding, print, digital, signage, packaging, from the coolest to the most conservative, from any area of activity in the market. A very flexible and energetic team!

Other important technical details:

  • Be a short name, easy to say and write;
  • We managed to register a domain (URL) easily;
  • There is no company with the same or similar name at INPI in the same category of activity;
  • There is no company with the same name and area of activity in the general search on Google, Bing, etc.

Perfect! That’s how the name of the agency came about!

I hope it inspired you to create the name of your new company or project. Or maybe even review the current name you use. If you need help, you can count on me!
