

A mix of our history, news and reflections on the world of branding & design.

What the trip around the world brought to the profession
Between the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, I decided to travel around the world. I visited 7 countries in 3 intense months of lots of learning and experiences. And what did this contribute to my work?
What I learned in 1 year of geographic freedom
Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Lima, Huaraz, Cusco, Arequipa, Lençóis Maranhenses, Jericoacoara, Fortaleza, Buenos Aires, Mendoza... What were my biggest learnings?
Latte Abroad: exploring the world
That's right: Latte Design is exploring design around the world from time to time! Understand the project.
Why did Latte stop being an agency to pursue a solo career?
Was the company in bad shape? Crisis? None of that! Here in this post I tell you a little about the decision to radically change Latte Design, the main reasons and my new journey.
The international repercussion of Latte Design
In our history, we have had some really cool opportunities to exhibit and create projects beyond Brazilian borders.
Why Latte? Find out how the naming was created
In this post I will explain how the agency's naming was created, the process of which can serve as a reference for any company.